Saturday, April 14, 2012

5k and a little history too

A 5k.... nothing short of miracle would have had me believe that I would ever run in one.  You see 3 years ago I was a morbidly obese woman, fighting to seem happy and keep up appreances.  Embarassed of  my body and ashamed of what I had let myself  become.

In June of 2009 I was banded, meaning I underwent a procedure to help me conquer my weight.  I wanted to work for it, not just get thin without ever having to learn how eat right and exercise.  Three years and 80lbs later, I am happier and healthier then I have ever been.(it was slow and steady approx. 26lbs a year)  

04-14-2012 Crossing the finish
Now back to that 5K, a week and half ago I ran my first continous mile, going back to gym specifically to see how far I could go...I ran 3 , then 4 and now I can run 4.5miles without stopping.  On May 26th I have plans to run a 10K with my husband.  (A wonderful supporter in my life style change, and a U.S. Soldier)

 I am beyond words with the amount of pride I hold for myself at the moment.  With this blog I hope to inspire, inform, and become someone to look up to in everyday Life.